We started preparation for celebration of the 10the aniversary of Quuen Jadwiga Canonization in August 2006. On this occasion the organization
Committee was established. In the name of the Organizational Committee
invitations were sent to:
HM Elizabeth II and Duke Filip, England
HM Juana Carlosa I
and HM Sofii, Spine
HM Carol XVI Gustaw
and HM Sylwia,
HM Margarety II and
Duke Henryka,
Arciduke Otton von Habsburga,
Arciduke Otton von Habsburg
was in Krakow in 9 June and took part in
the Mass in Wawel Cathedra.
Invitations were sent to Governera
ov Viktoria as well as Ambasadors and Consuls from most European countries
that are present in Aistralia
Invitation were sent to Primate J. Glemp, Archbishop J. Michalik
and President of Poland L. Kaczynski
Invitations were sent to most of the Polonia organization on all over the World. We have
received many answers. Delegation from some countries were present in the
celebration of this Aniversary in Krakow