Evening lecture: 12 December 2002,
IEEE Computer Society
RMIT, Melbourne
Shape Understanding System: visual thinking as part of
understanding process – a new way of problem solving and communication in
the design of the intelligent systems (robots)
Zbigniew LES and
Magdalena LES
increasingly complex products and intelligent environment need to employ
the intelligent tools called robots. Robots during their working session
require interaction both with an environment and with the other robots. In
this process experts from different disciplines utilize different form of
knowledge and visualization becomes the important part of this process.
Visualization that is part of visual thinking capabilities plays a key role
in process of problem solving and visual communication. The aim of this
research is to investigate the visual thinking capabilities of the
intelligent systems in different aspects of the problem solving and
communication abilities. This research is continuation of the authors’
previous work focused on investigating the understanding capabilities of
the intelligent systems based on the shape understanding system (SUS). SUS
is an example of the visual understanding system where sensory information
is transformed into the multilevel representation in the concept formation
process that is part of the visual thinking capabilities. The proposed
system of shape understanding operates based on the knowledge of the image
processing, decision making and the search strategies as well as the
knowledge of shape description and representation distributed among the
specialized experts.